Two New Must-Read Books from BitterSweet to Top All Your Lists This Fall

Arts + Culture

Two New Must-Read Books from BitterSweet to Top All Your Lists This Fall

Dave Baker

BitterSweet Collective is turning the page! As a community-led media house in Washington, DC, we are taking a crack at book publishing while staying true to our hope-oriented editorial mission. It's been our great honor to accompany Dave Hillis and Andrew DeCort through the publishing process this year and bring our readers soulful content that will ground you deeper as the winds of chaos swirl faster.

A Complicated Grace Book Cover

A Complicated Grace by Dave Hillis is available today, October 1st. Through letters, poems, and short essays, this collaborative memoir explores themes of addiction, grief, and forgiveness. For anyone - any family - experiencing the loneliness and ache of active struggles with addiction, incarceration, or loss, this book will come as a friend and an understanding companion. Father James Martin S.J., author of Learning to Pray, describes it as “Searing, challenging, riveting, inspiring, and real.”

Blessed Are the Others Book Cover

Blessed Are the Others by Andrew DeCort was released on September 24th. Subtitled "Jesus' Way in a Violent World," this book explores Jesus' Beatitudinal Way as taught through the Sermon on the Mount. This path traverses vulnerability, compassion, nonviolence, justice, and peacemaking. Dr. Cornel West, a renowned philosopher and social critic, calls it “required reading for those who understand the need for a deep connection between subtle analysis and empowered spirituality, especially as it relates to the prophetic Christian tradition!”

Both books can be purchased online through Amazon, Barnes & Noble,, or any online retailer of your choice.

Purchase Options

A Complicated Grace:, Barnes & Noble,

Blessed Are the Others:, Barnes & Noble,

About BitterSweet Collective

BitterSweet Collective is a community-owned media house producing films, books, and other created works that orient us toward hope, challenge us to reject cynicism, defy apathy, and celebrate good. To learn more about our mission and explore our other works, visit

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