Generosity At Our Core


Generosity At Our Core

Kate Schmidgall

Generosity is a cornerstone of our identity at BitterSweet, and it sets an inspiring standard for our team. This guiding principle breathes life into everything we do, from the warmth in our interactions to the thoughtful decisions we make on creative projects. In the broader business world, generosity often translates into 1% corporate giving campaigns and sporadic volunteer days. However, it’s seldom examined deeply within team culture, particularly in the fast-moving, result-driven realm of media and content culture.

For us generosity transcends mere value collecting dust in an employee handbook—it’s a way of life that enriches our practice of co-creation, fortifies our work ethic, and nurtures our relationships with story subjects and each other. Generosity weaves a sense of community and shared purpose, reminding us that our actions, no matter how small, hold the power to ignite positive change. By embracing this value, we endeavor to inspire not only our team but also those we collaborate with, encouraging acts of kindness and compassion that ripple far beyond our immediate world.

Let’s pause to celebrate how generosity shapes our culture and contemplate how we can continue to live out this value every day. Together, we can cultivate a more empathetic, inspiring, and impactful community.

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Defining Generosity at BitterSweet Monthly

What does it mean to embody a generous spirit at work? What mindset and actions does it encompass? Generosity means embracing swift learning and graceful failing. It’s about listening deeply, owning our mistakes, striving for understanding, and recognizing that our views are small pieces of a grander mosaic.

Generosity inspires us to live unoffended, aware that emotional burdens can erode both morale and productivity. We protect one another by collaborating to overcome challenges, drawing strength and wisdom from our collective experiences. This unified effort not only builds a strong sense of camaraderie but also fosters an atmosphere where everyone feels valued and supported.

With heartfelt sincerity and compassion, we acknowledge the power of community and storytelling. We aim to illuminate the human essence in every narrative, celebrating the profound impact of individual acts and communal efforts. We invite you to join us on this heartfelt journey, whether through active participation, contributions, or simply by sharing these stories. Together, we can confront challenges and spark positive change, nurturing a community where every voice resonates with meaning and appreciation.

Generosity in Practice: The Agency and Nonprofit Magazine

In our everyday lives, generosity means assuming the best in each other's intentions and embracing a mindset of continuous learning. We welcome critique and actively seek feedback from clients and our creative teams, ensuring we are always improving our processes, our output, our service delivery, and our management.

This philosophy is intimately connected with our commitment to collaboration, another core value that defines our culture, as discussed in "A Collaborative Spirit, Easier Said Than Done." True collaboration and generosity demand humility, respect for diverse perspectives, and an unwavering effort to communicate openly and integrate feedback. It's about sharing insights without overshadowing others, refining our intuition through collective wisdom, and offering feedback with gratitude and thoughtfulness.

BitterSweet Monthly is a shining example of this generosity, showcasing the remarkable work of organizations tackling critical social issues with inspiring and essential initiatives. From refugee care to financial literacy, food deserts to elder care, anti-trafficking to housing for the homeless, we relentlessly seek out hope and inspiration amid poverty, injustice, corruption, and disease. Our mission is to illuminate these issues and galvanize our readers to take action within their own communities.

The magazine itself is a testament to the generosity of our team. Every piece of content is created and curated by our community of passionate creative contributors who volunteer their time and talent. Together, we celebrate stories of beautiful, radical self-giving and champion the impact of those striving for positive change in our world. Our agency proudly sponsors and supports this endeavor, believing deeply in the power of generosity and collaboration to transform lives.

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Challenges of Living Generously

Embracing generosity as a core value is no easy feat. In the whirlwind world of creative agencies, where deadlines loom and pressure peaks, maintaining a generous spirit can feel overwhelming. It demands a conscious effort to stay open-hearted, truly listen, and avoid personal affronts.

One of the greatest hurdles is harmonizing generosity with the need for efficiency. True generosity requires patience, and a willingness to invest time in listening, learning, and uplifting others. Yet, the relentless pace of agency life often propels us toward quick fixes and instant results. The challenge lies in striking a delicate balance, where our values shine as brightly as our achievements.

By nurturing a culture of generosity, we aspire to ignite and empower our community to engage deeply and contribute with purpose. Through our agency endeavors and our nonprofit magazine, we aim to create a ripple of positive change, inspiring others to join us on this heartfelt journey of compassion and impact.

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A Rare and Radical Way of Being

Despite the hurdles we face, embracing generosity remains a rare and revolutionary act in today’s world. This unwavering commitment distinguishes us from other agencies, allowing us to create deeper, more heartfelt connections with our clients and within our team. Beyond mere business success, it grants us a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment.

In a world where self-interest reigns, generosity stands as a beacon of courage. It's a belief that propels us to endlessly strive for betterment, not just for ourselves but for everyone we touch. We are blessed to live this conviction every day, and we warmly invite you to join us on this transformative journey of generosity.

As you reflect on your path as a creative professional or marketing executive, imagine how the value of generosity could reshape your approach. What does the absence of generosity look like in your world? What daily or weekly pressures test your generous spirit? We eagerly await your thoughts and experiences.

Editor's Note

In our impatient and often extractive culture, genuine generosity often dwindles to virtue signals and/or token charity initiatives. BitterSweet Editor-in-Cheif Kate Schmidgall invites reflection on the profound richness and transformative power of true generosity. It explores how generosity is woven into their daily operations and their nonprofit magazine, BitterSweet Monthly. Despite challenges, they embody this core value, fostering a culture of respect, collaboration, resilience, and growth. This piece invites us to contemplate our relationship with generosity, blending intellectual and emotional resonance.

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